BFCM + Holiday Segmentation Tips


As more brands get into the BFCM and holiday segmentation game, it's important to know what your options are. In this article, we'll look at how to get started with BFCM and holiday segmentation in your email program. I want to dig a bit deeper into the opportunities and ways that companies are reaching out to their customers through BFCM and holiday-themed email campaigns.

Segmentation helps you target your most loyal users with personalized offers. By narrowing down specific groups of people that have similar characteristics and interests, you can send them targeted messages from brands they're already familiar with. Using segments allows marketers to focus on key audiences instead of sending one generic group message that could potentially miss out on important details about their customers—for example: if someone just moved across the country for work last year, chances are they won't care about getting a travel guide from Airbnb this year around Christmas time!

Why Segment?

Segmentation allows you to target your customers with relevant content, reach out to customers who have not been active in a while, reach out to customers who are spending more than usual and cross-sell or upsell products.

The first step is having access to customer data. You can then use that information to segment your audience into several groups:

  • Customers who have purchased more than $200 in products or services (value shoppers)

  • Customers who have purchased less than $200 in products and services (bargain hunters)

  • Customers who have not made any purchases yet (the inactive audience), and;

  • The overall population of customers who are active and engaged.

Dedicated Retargeting Campaigns

Another way to extend the reach of your holiday campaign is through retargeting campaigns. Retargeting is a great way to reach customers who have already purchased from you or even those who have shown interest in your products but haven’t yet made their purchase. It can also help you get the most out of your existing customer base, by reaching them with relevant messages related to their interests and past purchases.

Winback Campaigns

Winback campaigns are designed to win back customers who have not used a product or service for a long period of time, and incentivize them to come back by offering special discounts. Winback campaigns are an easy way to increase sales during the holiday season because they allow you to reach out to past customers at scale and provide incentives for them to return.

Cross-sell and upsell Campaigns

Upselling and cross-selling are two of the most effective strategies for the holiday season.

Upselling is when you offer a customer to buy a product more expensive than the one they already bought. So if you're selling clothes and someone buys a shirt, you can offer them another shirt that costs more but has better quality or a different design.

Cross-selling is offering another product that's related to the one they just purchased. For example, if someone buys sunglasses, you can suggest an eye cream or sunscreen as an add-on item.

The key here is to use data (your CRM) to identify those customers who are likely to be interested in these types of products based on their previous purchases and customer behavior history (what pages they visit most often).


Holiday email campaigns can be a challenge to manage, but with the right approach, you can use BFCM and holiday segmentation to your advantage. The key is having access to customer data that allows you to create targeted segments based on previous purchases, browsing history, or other relevant data points. With this information, you can create dedicated retargeting campaigns as well as winback and cross-sell/upsell messages.